Saws-Horizontal Panel

The HolzHer Horizontal Panel Saw

The high performance software package for large HOLZ-HER industrial saws The control is decisive for the power output of a state-of-the-art pressure beam saw. The ZENTREX series is controlled by our CUTCONTROL 2 and the preinstalled EASY-PLAN and OPTI-CUT software packages. Everything at a glance: Standard, large 19″ monitor (with optional touchscreen) and large, clearly arranged buttons make it possible to machine absolute, series and format cuts with integrated groove. OPTI-CUT and EASY-PLAN optimization software preinstalled at the factory. Individual jobs can be assigned a priority at any time, job programming parallel to cutting. Graphic 3D user interface for intuitive operation and machine sequence functions for NC cutting. Program-controlled measurement of reference dimensions when saw blade is changed. Information display indicating running meters for main and prescoring saws. Individual adaptation of function and parameter settings. Label printer (optional) for barcode labels (also data matrix barcode incl. software module for creating labels).